AcroSports Skill-a-Thon
March 6, 2023

From March 6th to 12th
AcroSports is putting on a fundraiser to benefit our Outreach Program, which includes Tuition Assistance that helps families each year access our programming that otherwise might not be able to.
Here’s how it works:
- Students have just one minute to do as many skills as possible as part of the Skill-A-Thon Challenge!
- Coaches will hand out the pledge forms to students in class the week of February 20th.
- Students will have two weeks to gather as many pledges as possible. The week of March 6th-12th, coaches will run the Skill-A-Thon during class.
- After the Skill-A-Thon is run in class students will collect their pledges and return them to the front desk. The deadline to turn in pledges is April 1st.
- Students will be contacted individually to pick up their prize at the front desk.
Confirmed Prize Tiers:
- $1-$20: Sticker Sheet or Cinch Bags
- $21-$75: AcroSports Water Bottle or Tote Bag
- $76-$150: AcroSports T-Shirt or Beanie
- $150-$200: AcroSports Hoodie/Sweatshirt or Leotard

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