Late Policy
- AcroSports has a non-negotiable 15 minute late policy for all classes. Students must arrive within the first 15 minutes from the scheduled start time to be permitted into class, though it is highly encouraged that students regularly arrive on time for class.
- The hard cutoff at 15 minutes is a safety concern, as late arrivals will have missed warmup, increasing the chance of potential injury, and joining class while instruction is already underway can also be a dangerous distraction for other staff & students in the gym.
- If your child arrives more than 15 minutes late and is unable to join class, the missed class is ineligible for a make up or a credit.
Before Class
- Proper athletic attire is required for all students in order to facilitate movement, ensure student safety, and preserve gym equipment. Sweat pants, athletic shorts, yoga pants or leggings along with a close-fitting T-shirt are appropriate, as are leotards or unitards.
- Clothing must not have belt loops, zippers, buttons, metal rivets or other features that can potentially catch on or puncture gym equipment. No jewelry should be worn.
- Long hair must be tied back and securely out of a student’s face. We have hair ties available for sale in the Main Office if needed.
- Please arrive at least 5 minutes before the scheduled start of class (see Late Policy below).
- All classes meet upstairs in the bleachers except for Tiny Tots, Contortion, and Breakdancing classes, which meet downstairs.
- If you have arrived late, please check into the office so that one of our staff can safely escort your student onto the floor (please also see Late Policy below).
- Stroller parking is available on the lower level inside the building. Please do not leave strollers in walkways or at the bottom of stairways as this creates a safety hazard.
- The white zone in front of our building is for pick-ups and drop-offs only. Please do not park in the white zone, which limits other families’ ability to use it (and you may be ticketed or towed!).
- Students are not permitted on the gym floor or on any equipment until their coach has arrived and class has begun.
General Make-Up Policy for ALL Programs:
- Students are allowed up to the following based on the Session:
- Winter Session: 2 make-ups
- Spring Session: 2 make-ups
- Summer Session: 3 make-ups
- Fall Session: 3 make-ups
- Make-ups are space permitting and not guaranteed. They do not roll over to the next session.
- Please notify us of any absences in advance when possible. An absence must be recorded before a make-up can be scheduled.
- You may schedule a make-up before the absence occurs, as long as the future absence is reported.
- Tip: Make-ups become more difficult to schedule later in the session. To increase your chances of securing all 3 make-ups, we recommend booking earlier in the session.
How to Record Absences & Schedule Make-Ups:
- All make-ups in the Open Gyms must be reserved through our office in person, or by calling (415) 665-2276 or emailing in**@ac********.org.
TinyTots I & II Classes:
- Students may make-up a missed class in another TinyTots class with available spots or a recorded absence.
- Fully enrolled classes cannot accommodate make-ups.
- To help other families, please call in your absence in advance to free up space.
- Once you’ve scheduled a make-Up, it counts toward your 3 allowed make-Ups unless you cancel with 12 hours’ notice.
- After an absence is called in, the spot may be given to another family and cannot be reclaimed.
All Other PreK & Youth Beginning Class:
- Make-ups can be done only at our Saturday Open Gyms.
- We do not allow make-ups in regular classes to maintain class dynamics and flow.
- Open Gym make-ups can be scheduled up to one week in advance.
- Make-ups must be in the 1-hour Open Gym, even if your original class was longer than an hour.
Gymnastics Level 2, Intermediate & Advanced Level Classes:
- Advanced students may schedule a make-up in another class at the same level, provided there are spaces or recorded absences, and the absence is called in advance.
- To ensure fairness, please notify us of your absence ahead of time to help other families schedule their make-ups.
- If no space is available or the absence wasn’t called in advance, make-ups must be done in Open Gym.
During Class
- Parents can watch their child’s class from one of our multiple waiting areas.
- Only students and staff are permitted on the gym floor, unless a coach requests a parent join them there, OR if the student & parent are participating in the class together (Tiny Tots, Baby Play Group).
- PreSchool students: Adults accompanying PreK students must stay in the building for the entire duration of the student’s class. This applies to ALL PreK classes, not just those that involve adult participation. If a PreK student needs to use the restroom, the coach will be dependent on the accompanying adult to escort the child there.
- Youth students : Parents may drop their youth students off at AcroSports once children are 6 years old, however please ensure the following:
- Contact phone numbers in your online registration account are current.
- Your child understands where to go to wait for their class once dropped off.
- Your child understands when & where to meet you for pickup after class.
- If you will be running late to pick up your Youth student, please call the office at (415)665-2276 to let us know so we can inform the student and coach.
- Lockers are available downstairs and cubbies upstairs for storage of personal items during class time. Students are welcome to put locks on the downstairs lockers during class, but please do not leave locks there outside of class time.
- Wifi is available for your use, you can find the current password posted around the building or ask someone in the Main Office.
We are no longer accommodating drop-ins to our PreK or Youth classes. Families should register for an account and enroll in their desired class for the session (tuition will be prorated). First time families who wish to see if the class is a good fit should select "trial" from the dropdown when enrolling.
Class Cancellations
- AcroSports has a strict No Refund policy, EXCEPT for Camps and Birthday Parties.
- If you need to cancel your child’s enrollment at any point in a session, the prorated dollar value of remaining classes in that session will be credited to your family account. Credits can be used for any AcroSports program or merchandise, and are good for one year from the date the credit was issued.
- To cancel a class and receive a credit, please call the Main Office at (415)665-2276, or email in**@ac********.org. Please note that we cannot issue retroactive credit for classes that have passed, and that a particular week’s class meeting is considered “passed” at 10 minutes prior to its scheduled start.
- If you drop your child’s enrollment mid-session, you can no longer make up any past missed classes.
- There is no charge for being on a waitlist, and there is no limit to the number of waitlists your child can be on at one time.
- If a spot becomes available, we will call/email and give you 24 hours to get back to us to confirm your child’s enrollment. We do NOT automatically enroll your child in the class and charge you for it - we need to hear back from you first.
- If we do not hear back from you in the allotted time to confirm the enrollment, we will move to the next student on the waitlist.
- If your child is already enrolled in a class, but waitlisted for another that you’d prefer, if and when a spot becomes available in the preferred class, your child is welcome to transfer.
- Waitlists do not carry over from session to session.
Interest Lists
- Interest List classes are ones that we are considering offering, but are not yet able to do so, usually due to coach availability or other logistical roadblock. The Interest List helps us gauge whether the demand is high enough to find a way around those roadblocks and make the class happen.
- Interest List classes are not guaranteed to become real classes, and we highly recommend you enroll your child in another existing class first as a backup. If and when we end up offering the Interest List class, your child will be able to transfer into it at that time.
- When an Interest List class opens, we contact the those on the list to give them an opportunity to enroll. As with waitlists, families will have a predetermined amount of time to confirm their spot before we move down to the next student on the Interest List.
- Families adding to an Interest List will not be charged a tuition fee unless the class actually opens during the session. Tuition is only processed after we receive confirmation that you would like to join the class.
Session Schedules:
- Session schedules are made available the week before Priority Registration for that particular session begins (see more about this below).
- We try to keep our class offerings similar from session to session, but cannot guarantee that a class will continue at the same day and time, due to coach availability, enrollment numbers, and/or coordination with needs of other classes.
Registration Periods
- Priority Registration: For students who were enrolled in, and completed, the class session immediately previous to the one for which Priority Registration is being held. Priority usually continues for one week and is followed by Open Registration.
→ Past Camp enrollment, ToddlerPlay Group attendance, participation in AcroFun Nights or any other AcroSports programs do NOT qualify a student for Priority Registration.
→ Priority Registration for Fall sessions is extended to students enrolled in either the immediately preceding Summer class session (NOT Camp) and/or the previous Spring class session.
- Open Registration: Open to everyone
- Please note that class enrollment does not roll over from one session to the next, so all currently-enrolled families will need to re-enroll for the next session when Priority Registration opens.
Registration Day:
- Priority and Open Registration begin on a Monday at 10am.
- Many of our classes fill quickly so we highly recommend registering as early as you can.
- All PreK and Youth classes and Camps register via JackRabbit, our online class registration system, which can be accessed through our website. It is recommended that new families create their account in JackRabbit prior to the onset of registration so you will be ready to go when registration begins.
- The quickest way to register is through the Parent Portal, which you can access once you have established a JackRabbit account.
- We are accepting all registrations online. We will not be taking any registrations over the phone. Any questions you may have can be emailed to in**@ac********.org and a member of our Customer Service Team will get back to you.
- We have a computer available in our Main Office for online registration for families who do not have internet access/a computer at home.
- If your child has been approved to enroll in a class for which they don’t meet the age requirements (either too young or old), you must email in**@ac********.org to inform us of your situation prior to registration day.
- We do not accept enrollments via email.
Tuition Payment:
- Payment of class tuition is due in full at the time of registration. Once you complete your child’s online enrollment, AcroSports office staff will review it to ensure appropriate placement, apply any applicable discounts (see below), then run the credit card you have on file for the total amount due. You will receive an emailed receipt (usually the same day you register) once we have processed your payment.
- If your payment method is declined, we will reach out and give you 24 hours to confirm payment while we continue to hold your child’s spot in class(es).
- Families who prefer to pay tuition via check or cash instead of credit card please contact our Main Office PRIOR to the start of registration to ensure your account is flagged appropriately to prevent a credit card charge. You will not be able to set up a JackRabbit account without a credit card, but it can be removed retroactively at your request.
- If you would like to split your child’s session tuition into multiple payments, that is an option; please see the relevant information about this on our Installment Plans page.
- Tuition for enrollments that occur mid-session will be prorated; fees posted at the registration site are updated weekly by our office staff and reflect tuition due for the balance of the current session.
Available Discounts:
- Sibling discount: 10% off of tuition for all sibling(s) enrolled after the first full-paying student enrolled in the same class session. Siblings must be on the same family account in the online registration system to be eligible for this discount.
- Tuition Assistance: We offer tuition discounts of up to 40% for qualifying families. If you are interested in applying, please read this page before enrolling.
- Please note that discounts are not automatically applied during the registration process, and your “shopping cart” will reflect the full price of each tuition when you register. Office staff will apply the appropriate discounts when processing enrollments, and you will see the discounts itemized on your receipt.
- All discounts listed above are taken from the least expensive tuition fees.