Mick’s summer training in Montréal!

He attended several workshops and over the course of the Complètement Cirque festival, including Introduction to Partner Acrobatics, Swings & Tosses and AcroDance.
““My favorite workshop was AcroDance. I discovered how to modify and improvise with movements I already know – and learned how to connect movement in more creative and innovative ways. The most important thing I gained from my time at the festival is that circus arts are not always about becoming bigger and faster, but feeling more stable and strong.”
Mick has been training in circus arts, acting and acrobatics for over 5 years. He has been at AcroSports for 4 years and has taught in all our programs – PreK, Youth, Adult and Offsite. He specializes in youth and adult parkour, trampoline and handbalancing.
His goal of attending the 7 Fingers workshop was to gain more freedom in his own movements, while finding ways to better assist his students.
“The workshops reinforced that all students learn differently. A good coach can adapt and describe movements in new ways to help students, especially beginners, who are trying difficult skills for the first time. By attending these workshops and learning from more experienced circus performers, I’m in a better position to connect with my students and help them gain more confidence in their movement practice.
It was a life changing experience for me, if you’d like to see more of my journey, find me on instagram: @micktglenn.
I’d like to share with you my favorite show from the Complètement Cirque festival.”