Camp Complexity

AcroSports opened our Spring and Summer Camp registration early last week, and as has become de rigueur since the shutdown, all camps were full within a fantastically short period of time. This year seemed especially rapid – even our admin crew, who are used to this sort of thing, were posting “astonished” emojis all over our Slack channel that morning: camps were full-up in less than twenty minutes (!!!). For context, prior to COVID, Summer Acro Camp registration would generally be open for at least a month before all weeks filled completely.
This year’s robust Camp enrollment may have been partly fueled by keeping our fees the same as last year’s, but overall, we don’t really have a handle on why Camp registration is now coming in at a slam, rather than a glide. One thing we DO know, however, is that the extreme speed with which camps have filled the past few seasons has caused a lot of frustration for some families. While many of you reading this may have been lucky enough to secure spaces for your children in one of this year’s camps, just as many of you, if not more, did not. We wish we could accommodate everyone, but laws of physics are essentially holding us back – we literally do not have enough physical space!
With the hopes of assuaging some of the frustration some of you may be feeling about the difficulties of securing a spot in an AcroSports Camp, here are some things to keep in mind:
- Note that the number of weeks and student spaces per week of Summer Camp we are offering in 2023 is the same as it was prior to COVID. As noted above, it’s not clear why they are filling so much more quickly now, but we are already discussing ways to alleviate these logjams in the future, in order to serve as many families as we can.
- It is NOT at all uncommon for people to drop their Summer Camp enrollment between now and when camps run, June through August, so it is never a bad idea to get on a waitlist wherever you can. We do regularly end up having a bit of turnover as people’s summer plans change. **Note that if you do not see an option to “waitlist” for a given week, that means the waitlist is full.
- When appropriate, we may be able to add a few spaces in some weeks …. depending. Camp size limits are dictated by coach-to-student ratios and overall safety concerns, which are affected by staffing availability, and other non-Camp activities that may be scheduled in the gym. We are currently reviewing which weeks may be able to accommodate a few more students.
- Summer Specialty Camp enrollment will begin on Wednesday, March 22nd at 10 am, which offers more camp enrollment opportunities for eligible students (note many of these camps have prerequisites), AND, at that time, we also expect a number of currently enrolled Acro Camp students to transfer to those camps, making more spaces available to waitlisted campers.
Thank you to our entire community for your continued enthusiasm for our day camp programs! We are doing what we can to reciprocate that support, and are working to come up with ways to serve as many families as possible. We will keep our community informed with relevant Camp updates as they arise.