Letter from the Executive Director

To our AcroSports community:
It’s that time of year again! AcroSports’ Fall session is about to begin, and our Leadership Team has been planning for an expanded schedule of classes and is excited to see the gym back in full operation. Whether you’re a first-timer or a returning student, we welcome you to enjoy your training and time spent at AcroSports.
As we come to the end of our summer programming and are preparing for our 15-week Fall session of classes, I would like to take a few moments to say thank you.
Thank you to our Board of Directors for all of the leadership and support they have provided throughout the COVID-19 crisis and their guidance that has continued during our recovery.
Thank you to our Leadership Team, coaches, and support staff who remained committed to the organization through these challenging times – classes literally cannot happen without you! Our coaching staff remains dedicated to ensuring that our students have a safe and positive experience, teaching skills that are both challenging, supportive, and fun.
I also would like to express our sincerest appreciation to our families and students for your incredible patience and resilience during these last couple of years. You have continued to support us in these uncertain times, despite the many challenges we’ve faced together. Your flexibility and patience have been instrumental in keeping our Team motivated and committed to meeting these challenges.
With the ongoing support of our students, families, and community members, AcroSports will continue to serve our community, thrive, and implement quality programs in a fiscally sound manner, as we have since 1993.
As we approach our 30th Anniversary year, I want to thank you all for choosing to be part of the AcroSports community. Please stay safe, help us keep everyone healthy and fit, and, as always, have fun doing it!
Dorrie Huntington
Executive Director