Treenet at AcroSports brings a one of a kind training and performance experience

We are very excited to announce the creation of a new embellishment for our beloved gym. This new addition is a handwoven dynamic textile space created in the style of a classic Treenet.
The art of Treenets originates from a love of trees and natural life. The craft of Treenets has grown out from the world of old growth conservation efforts and the nature connection movement. This Net at Acrosports has been designed and created by Andrew Castle with a team of experienced riggers and Treenet weavers including Dave Freitag, Thomas Uppenkamp and Nick Williams.
Andrew Castle is an artist and professional rigger. He has developed his style of Treenets over many years influenced by his experience living in Yosemite national park. Andrew was inspired by walking slacklines, rock climbing as well as practicing the craft of wilderness travel with horses, mules and on foot. His work as a theatrical rigger has also led him to develop a unique design capacity for practicing the singular art form of Treenets which he is thrilled to share with the Acrosports family.

This functional art work has been rigged and woven by hand using rated and very strong ropes. The foundation is secured to the steel truss of the building with industrial rigging materials and woven with a combination of arborists rope rated above 13,000lbs, climbing ropes rated above 6,000lbs and thousands of feet of parachute cord rated to 550lbs. The combined durability of these materials being intertwined with one another creates a textile surface which is incredibly strong. The overall strength of this net is well over 10,000 lbs. Upon completion this net at Acrosports contains nearly 40,000 feet of highly rated fibers. The net at Acrosports is in the steel ceiling beams above the bleachers and creates a room about 14 feet per side with walls which extend to the roof. Treenets are created with a weaving methodology which yields a bouncy textile surface emulating plant based natural structures and biomimicry type patterns. This format for creating Treenets makes every net a completely unique creation. This new net at Acrosports is the first time that an apparatus of this nature has been installed in a public acrobatic facility.
This Net will be integrated into our program curriculum including Pre-K tumblers, Youth, Adult, Camp, Parties, Special Events and Performances.
The rigging team installed an aerial point above the net allowing one of a kind training or performance experience with various aerial apparatus. A slackline is also an available option above the net for balance training and exposure practice. Treenets are traditionally deployed for leisure activities and the potential for stretching, conditioning and general restful inspiration or observation of classes and performances is immense. This is a truly unique addition to Acroports and we look forward to exploring the possibilities with our students and community as we all share in the excitement of reopening.