AcroSports Reopening Update

AcroSports Reopening Update

The City of San Francisco has authorized the reopening of indoor fitness facilities as of this week, and a number of people have contacted us to see if AcroSports will be among those resuming programming.

As noted in newsletters to the Acro community over the past few months, we had already planned not to reopen immediately upon being given the official OK, as surveys of our clientele overwhelmingly indicated that most would not feel ready to return to the gym at that time. Now that we have received the City’s official reopening guidelines for gyms, it is clear that this was the right decision, if for no other reason than the recommended protocols just aren’t feasible to institute at AcroSports.

Here are some highlights of the current regulations that would particularly impinge on our ability to provide programming that is both sufficiently valuable for students, and maintains the highest levels of safety:

The number of people inside a gym must never exceed 10% of the capacity of that gym or fitness center, including personnel. Unfortunately, operating at 10% capacity – actually, even less, since the 10% maximum includes staff – is not a financially sustainable venture for AcroSports. While we know we will not be able to be at full programming capacity for quite some time, 10% is far below a fiscally viable minimum.

 Since exercise increases the rate and intensity of exhalation, at least 12 feet of distance must be maintained around those who are performing any physical activity.  

AcroSports classes (tumbling, gymnastics, parkour, breakdancing, aerial arts) simply cannot be safely accommodated with these social distancing expectations.  We make all programmatic decisions with “Safety First!” as our number one consideration, and having 12 feet of space around students at all times does not allow for coaches to provide appropriate, safe support of AcroSports activities.

 No one under 18 is permitted.  Since at least 80% of our regular student body falls into the under-18 age group, this makes the decision clear.  

Those who are interested can access the entire Directive issued by the City here.  There are also some additional links at the end of this article for anyone who wants to dig more deeply into the City’s regulations regarding activities that reopened this week.

Please understand that AcroSports stands committed to our core values, and our decision to remain closed for now is based on the best interest of our community.  Once the above guidelines relax enough to allow for safe and meaningful programming, AcroSports will be back serving our community.  So hang in there folks!  When we come back, it will be better than ever. 

Take care and stay well.

Press Release detailing requirements for activities resuming this week.

Documents Needed for reopening

Social Distancing Protocol

Interim Guidance and protocols for gyms


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