Important Update Regarding Use of Class Credits Upon our Reopening

Many families currently have AcroSports class credit on file, both as a result of our COVID-related closure, as well as existing account credits from prior to the pandemic. Many thanks to all our students and families who were able to receive account credits instead of cash refunds due to the shutdown, as this has significantly helped to ensure our ability to reopen.
Due to the extended fiscal challenges caused by the pandemic, however, we will need to enact some parameters around how credit can be used, at least for the first class session or two upon our reopening, until we get fully back on our feet. Please see below for details about how your current credit – whether issued due to the pandemic, or prior to the shutdown because of other circumstances – can be used once we reopen for programming.
Option 1: Donate account credit to AcroSports
MANY people have already done this, and it really has helped to ensure that we will be able to reopen; we’re so thankful to our community for this generosity. When you donate credit, the ledger of the credit is wiped clean and you cannot ask to use it in the future. This is an enormous help to us! **You do not need to wait until we reopen to donate credit: just email in**@ac********.org and tell us you would like to do so. Bonus: these donations are tax deductible!
Option 2: Use a maximum of 50% of your account credit per session registration.
This will be our default payment option for any students who have account credit moving forward. Your current standing credit still holds its full value, but the reality is that AcroSports cannot afford to honor the full amount of all account credits currently on file at the same time. We’re hoping that most of you understand this reality, and are willing to accept using a maximum of 50% of your account credit at a time, so that we can pay out our debts more slowly. Think of it as a small loan that you’re making to help keep AcroSports functioning –every little bit helps!
Option 3: Request a registration payment be made in full with account credit
This crisis has been hard on everyone, and we fully understand that some of our students want to come back to AcroSports, but may be unemployed or unable to afford any form of direct payment right now. If you have account credit and would like to use all of it at once for an enrollment, you can do so by request. Our default payment will be 50% account credit and 50% direct for any registration, and so if you do not request 100% account credit by email info@acrosports, or putting the request in the “comments” section of your enrollment form, that’s what we’ll do.
Expiration of account credit
Credits issued as a direct result of our COVID-related closure (applies only to Winter & Session 2020 and Spring Camp 2020): NO expiration date.
Non-Expired credits issued prior to COVID-shutdown (March 13, 2020)**, for Spring Classes 2020 or for Summer Camp 2020:
Our policy has always been that account credit lasts for 1 calendar year from the date of issuance, however in light of the COVID crisis, we are extending expiration dates for all credits in this category to October 1st, 2021. This gives everyone a full 1-year window to use their credits in full, after which, any remaining COVID-related credits will be donated to AcroSports.
**Note that any credits issued prior to 3/13/19 had already expired by the point of our shutdown.