Update on AcroSports’ Reopening – September 2020

Update on AcroSports’ Reopening – September 2020

I hope all our Acro family and friends are doing as well as can be expected during this wildly unpredictable time! Here at AcroSports, we are continually wondering how it can be that Friday, March 13th – the day we officially closed programming – simultaneously seems like only yesterday, and also a vast eternity ago.

During this forced “down time,” AcroSports has managed to tackle some building upgrades that had already been in the works (which Dorrie elaborates upon elsewhere in this newsletter), host a series of online programs, and batten down the hatches well enough to weather what’s left of the COVID storm.  However one major concern still partially eludes us; specifically – when can we reopen? 

When Mayor Breed initially determined an “Ok to reopen” date of August 15th for gyms like ours, we surveyed our community and discovered that the overwhelming majority of you did NOT feel safe returning to the gym that soon. Thus we had first decided on a tentative AcroSports reopen date of October 1st. However in the weeks since we identified that date, the City’s parameters for gyms reopening has shifted, based on a specific number of COVID case reductions over a certain period of time.  With so much uncertainty around when the City will meet that target, we will have to push AcroSports’ reopen date further into the future.  As of this writing, there is no sign that we will be opening anytime soon. We are closely monitoring the state’s website, COVID19.ca.gov, for the most recent announcements regarding reopening dates for gyms. 

“Safety First!” has always been our motto, and there is certainly no need to stray from that philosophy now. Even when the City gives the green light on the reopening of gyms, we are committed to erring on the side of caution, and will make our own decision about when to reopen AcroSports very carefully. We will be sure to keep everyone posted as updates to the reopening timeline occur.

Please also note that when AcroSports programming resumes, class offerings and availability will of course be limited, due to the need for appropriate social distancing within the facility.  For more information about the COVID-related precautions we will be taking, please see Dorrie’s update on our website.

In the meantime, lay low and stay safe!  We are thinking of you and are looking forward to having our community restored to a working whole.

Jenee Gill

AcroSports Finance Manager


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