Update on COVID Safety Improvements

Despite being closed for most programming over the past year, AcroSports has not been sitting idle! Much effort has gone into the preparations necessary to safely reinstitute group classes and camps, which we will implement in a phased and cautious manner in order to ensure maximum COVID safety.
Modifying class sizes and ensuring that students & staff wear masks is of course part of that plan, but those are only one piece of the puzzle. Keeping the facility sufficiently sanitized and ventilated is another vital component, and we have been hard at work addressing these concerns.
In order to increase fresh air flow throughout the gym, we have improved ventilation both naturally and artificially. All windows on the main “upstairs” floor of the gym, after many years of limited functionality, have been made operable and are now easy to open. Weather permitting, we plan to have those windows open as frequently as possible, but even on cold or rainy days, the ventilation situation will be more than sufficient. Air purifiers and scrubbers regularly fitted with fresh HEPA filters can be found throughout the building, and additional “supply” air fans that block particulate matter have been added to the main office and staff break room.
Additionally, we are planning to upgrade our existing furnace with a combination UVC light and ion generator that further purifies air as it is warmed, and are hoping to draw more fresh air to the lower floor of the building via a duct system that pulls air from the roof.
And if all this isn’t enough, upon your first return to AcroSports you will notice loads of hand sanitizers and new equipment cleaning stations, as well as coaches and other staff engaged in regular rounds of cleaning & sanitizing between classes.
For more information about everything AcroSports is doing to keep our students, staff, and facility COVID-safe, please see the COVID-19 page of our website. We look forward to seeing you here again soon!